Marxist entertainers
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Companies & Corporations
The Domestic Marxist movement
Companies, Corporations, organizations, Entertainers who support
the US Constitution, America and the Military.
Eminem, for Obama
lady gag-gag concert against AZ, 2Aug2010; for Obama
Rage against the machine against AZ, 21Jul2010
Jimmy Buffet et-organizes-gulf-benefit
Faith Hill, for Obama

Randy Rhodes
Producer James Lassiter and wife
Michael Moore

Oliver Stone and venezuela dictator hugo chavez, 26Jul2010

Phil Donahue, TV
Condemned patriotism as "the last refuge of scoundrels " and "beware of patriotism" -
Source: "
Treason" by Ann Coulter

Hugh Hefner, Marxist Dem Party fundraiser
Turncoats (those who pretended to be patriots)
SE Cupp
Greta Van Susteren
Investors business daily ???
updated 4/05/2021